About Us

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About Us:-

Is one of the leading foreign trade companies of herbs, seeds and spices. Now, thanks to our experience and efforts, we can proudly say our products are distributed in more than 30 different countries, in 4 different continents like Europe, Asia, America and Africa.

The Challenge

Our main challenge and objective is to obtain top quality in our products and total customer satisfaction.

Our Mission

Our products are delivered all over the world and offer our customers the best quality adapted to their needs, competitive prices and with special attention.

Our Vision

We are growing to become our company and one of the best companies around the world with a strong focus on the future.


All our products are 100% Natural, free from food colors and flavoring agents. Quality food is our priority; therefore we use the highest food safety standards through detailed inspections at every stage of the production process. We select our ingredients very carefully and their freshness and purity is a constant prerequisite.


Egyptian Herbs works with the highest means and equipment . To guarantee that all our products entirely comply with European and International standards, as well as with the level and quality required by our customers, the saffron is analyzed by a specialised Official Laboratory .

In recent years, our business is constantly growing, not only domestically but also on a European level to countries such as Bulgaria, Albania and Cyprus. Our focus is delivering quality products and perfect service.

About Us

Contact Us


Fayoum - Industrial Zone - Bakum Oshim


+201003347760 | +201129651722

